
Göreme Open Air Museum
15 YTL, 8 YTL extra for the Dark Church

The museum has a collection of caves and fairy chimneys. Be sure to visit the church in a cave across the highway outside the museum entrance, whıch is included in museum admission save your ticket. The museum is very small and repetitive church next to church next to church. Some have nice frescos, but other have geometric motifs that can be seen for free in the chimneys across the street easy hike.

Goreme has a wide selection of natural and cultural wonders. Simply walking through the village you will be amazed at the bizarre 'fairy chimney' rocks cut naturally by the wind and rain.

Several tour operators offer a one day package that includes a stop at a Caravansari, one of the amazing underground cities, a walk through the ancient churches decorated with frescoes, and finally a stop at a carpet/pottery/oynx shop. These one day tours are excellent and worth the money, as they include admission. Avoid buying at the shops, however, as you pay 2-3 times higher through commissions.